It also integrates CRM to help you nurture customer loyalty. More than a POS system, Toast POS provides a comprehensive restaurant management system that streamlines front-end and back-office processes. The vendor offers a comprehensive look at its features. Users can turn to the huge Toast community to share or receive best practice tips.
The software caters to quick-service and full-service establishments, with a configurable toolset for nightclubs, pizzerias, bars, and chains in the US.
Android devices offer more options, provide faster software updates and have more customization options than the iPad.

Toast POS is one of the few providers of an Android POS system, which is more suitable for restaurants due to the flexibility and affordability of the Android infrastructure. Hence, getting your POS right off the bat is crucial. Whether you’re planning to get into this exciting industry or are already in it, understand that competition is stiff and, in most cases between two restaurants with an equally successful menu, how efficient you provide customer service is the deal-breaker.

In fact, our restaurant statistics show how technology is one of the biggest factors in gaining an edge in today’s fierce competitive restaurant industry. Even better is that they can utilize technology to further fuel this growth by improving how things are run behind the counter. You would also do well to keep a keen eye on vendor reputation for providing timely updates and customer service. These applications would typically provide the same core functions, so watch out for other things like the hardware you would need to purchase on top of the software or which mobile platform it runs on. In this article, you’ll read about what we found to be the 20 best POS systems for restaurants in the market today based on core features, restaurant management tools, ease of use, and more. How often do restaurants have to gray out certain menus on the list for unavailability because of a lack of certain ingredients? POS software does away with the embarrassment and inconvenience, while the best of them keep track of repeat customers and give them the rewards they deserve no matter if they’re switching branches of your restaurant. It provides all the order and payment processing tools you need, with additional capabilities to help you operate your restaurant optimally. The best POS system for restaurants is Toast POS, a reasonably priced, full-featured point-of-sale platform for US-based foodservice companies.